Prepping Positively

Homesteading 101: Growing Your Own Food

Ann Marie Season 2 Episode 27

There's something truly special about growing your own food. Not only does it help you become more self-sufficient, but it also connects you with nature, promotes sustainability, and can significantly enhance your prepping journey. In today's episode, we'll be covering the basics of homesteading and how you can get started on your own journey to self-sufficiency.

Season 2 Episode 27

Homesteading 101: Growing Your Own Food

Welcome to “Prepping Positively," the podcast series that will empower you with the knowledge and skills you need to lead a more self-reliant and fulfilling life. In a world filled with uncertainty and rapid change, the art of self-reliance has never been more important. This series of episodes will delve deep into various aspects of self-reliance, exploring everything from homesteading and sustainable living to emergency preparedness, personal finance, and so much more.

Each episode will feature practical tips to help you become more self-sufficient in a modern world. Whether you're a seasoned homesteader, a beginner prepper, or simply curious about embracing self-reliance, “Prepping Positively" is your go-to resource for guidance and inspiration. So, if you're ready to take control of your own destiny and gain the skills to thrive in any situation, join me on this exciting journey towards self-reliance. Your adventure begins here.

There's something truly special about growing your own food. Not only does it help you become more self-sufficient, but it also connects you with nature, promotes sustainability, and can significantly enhance your prepping journey. In today's episode, we'll be covering the basics of homesteading and how you can get started on your own journey to self-sufficiency.

Hello and welcome back to another episode of "Prepping Positively." I'm your host, Annie, and today we're diving into a topic that's close to my heart and essential for any prepper - "Homesteading 101: Growing Your Own Food."

What is Homesteading?

Let's begin by understanding what homesteading is. 

Homesteading is a lifestyle that focuses on self-sufficiency and sustainability, where individuals or families aim to produce as much of their own food, energy, and resources as possible. It's a return to the basics, embracing a simpler, more sustainable way of life.

Homesteaders often have gardens, raise livestock, preserve food, and generate their own energy, among other self-sufficient practices. It's about relying less on commercial systems and more on your own skills and resources.

Now that we know what homesteading is, how can you start your own journey? 

Here are some steps to get you going:

  • Evaluate Your Space: Take a look at your available space. Do you have a backyard, a balcony, or some indoor space for gardening? Assess the size and layout to determine what you can grow.
  • Learn Basic Gardening: Start by learning the basics of gardening, such as soil preparation, planting, watering, and pest control. There are plenty of resources online and at your local library to help you get started.
  • Choose Your Crops: Decide which crops you want to grow based on your climate and preferences. Some great options for beginners include tomatoes, herbs, and leafy greens.
  • Consider Livestock: If you have enough space and are up for the challenge, consider raising chickens, rabbits, or bees. They can provide eggs, meat, and honey.
  • Water Collection: Install rain barrels or other water collection systems to make the most of natural resources.
  • Preservation Skills: Learn how to preserve food through canning, freezing, and dehydrating to make your harvest last longer.

Homesteading comes with its challenges and rewards. It's important to be aware of both aspects:

  • Weather: You'll be at the mercy of nature, which means dealing with unpredictable weather. 
  • Learning Curve: Gardening and animal care require knowledge and experience.
  • Time and Effort: Homesteading is a commitment that demands regular attention and hard work.


  • Self-Sufficiency: Homesteading provides a sense of self-reliance and independence.
  • Fresh, Healthy Food: You'll have access to organic, locally grown produce.
  • Peace of Mind: You'll be better prepared for emergencies and food shortages.

Before we wrap up this episode, I want to leave you with some valuable tips and resources to aid your homesteading journey:

  • Connect with the Homesteading Community: Join local gardening clubs, online forums, and social media groups to learn from experienced homesteaders.
  • Start Small: Don't overwhelm yourself. Begin with a small garden or a single type of livestock and expand as you gain confidence.
  • Learn Preservation Techniques: Acquire skills in canning, pickling, and food storage to make the most of your harvest.
  • Read and Educate Yourself: There are countless books, blogs, and podcasts about homesteading. They can be a valuable source of information.

Thank you for joining me today on "Prepping Positively." Remember, homesteading is not just about growing your own food; it's about fostering a sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyle. Embrace the journey, learn from your experiences, and enjoy the countless rewards that come with it.

As always, feel free to reach out with your questions or share your homesteading experiences with me. You can find us on social media, and don't forget to subscribe for future episodes. Until next time, keep prepping positively, and may your gardens flourish with abundance!