Prepping Positively

This Type of Garden Will Replace All The Others!

Ann Marie Season 1 Episode 11

Traditional gardening will be a thing of the past when you learn how to create this new, self-sustaining garden style. In this episode, learn what that type is and how you can get started today!

Episode 11 PP - Final

This Type of Garden Will Replace the Others!

Did you know that traditional gardening is almost a thing of the past. Recently more and more people are finding new ways to garden. From hydroponics to aquaponics, from raised beds, and indoor gardening, the opportunities and garden styles are plentiful.

Today we are going to put that traditional gardening knowledge to the side and talk about a really cool and fun way to garden that requires a lot of work up front, but that will allow you years of harvests with little work on your end going forward. Wanna know what it is? Then stick around!

So far, I have really zoned in on specific topics and tried to share some details that will help you achieve a more prepared lifestyle both in and out of the home. But today and going forward, I want to start a series, I guess you will call it.

This new series, in my opinion, may change how you feel about gardening. It may change how hard you have to work each year and even each season. However, the benefits and rewards will be in abundance.

Do I have your attention? Good.

Have you ever heard of a food forest? Now wait. Don’t stop listening because you think, “I don’t have a forest in my yard!” Or “This sounds way too complicated!”

Actually, anyone can establish a food forest, anywhere, and even if you have no trees at all. As a matter of fact you only need a wee bit of land to work with. In all honestly you can create a food forest on your deck. So hang in there.

So what exactly is a food forest?

A food forest is basically a natural habitat where tall trees grow over smaller trees, followed by an outer layer of shrubs and bushes, which are finally surrounded by edible plants. It does not need human intervention to grow and thrive, just some attention to getting started and established.

This week we are going to talk about the layers of a natural food forest and how each one helps the others. Next week we will start talking about actually getting a plan and getting yours started.

Please know, that establishing a food forest does take time to grow and mature. However, by starting on a smaller scale you will get ahead of the game quickly.

A food forest has 7 layers. • The canopy
• The understory
• The shrubs

• The herbs
• The ground cover • The vines
• The roots

Let me explain each of these layers to you.

The first and tallest layer of a natural food forest is called the canopy layer. In this layer you will find the tallest trees. The purpose of this layer is to provide the shade and protection from not only the sun but from the elements too.

Now this layer does allow “dappled” sunlight.

The next layer is the understory. This layer is where you will find the smaller fruit and nut trees.

The shrub layer is next. In this layer you will find the bushes and shrubs that produce fruit and berries.

After the shrubs layer is the herb layer. Here you will find non-woody vegetation. This layer includes edible plants, mulch producers and soil-building plants.

The next layer is the ground cover layer. Here will be the edible plants that creep along the surface of the ground.

The vines layer is next. In this layer you will find the climbers that attach to other plants and trees for stability.

The final layer is the roots layer. Here are any plants that are harvested mainly for their roots.

Now keep in mind that these layers as I explained them are not spot on for a food forest you would find in the wild. It is adapted slightly for our needs. What we will create going forward will very closely resemble this, but we will adapt ours to what we need it to be, and what we have the room for.

So does the idea of walking into your own yard or on your own piece of property and having the ability to have your entire food source in one place, interacting together and working to provide a completely edible and sustainable “garden” of sorts appeal to you?

If so, stay tuned to next weeks episode where I will start helping you decide what trees to choose for your canopy layer, and how to prepare the soil for your food forest.

Until next week, stay positive and keep prepping.